Coz 'TOLA' soundz a lot cooler than 'ALOT'

Bored ?? Don't say it when you have the internet !!!

Written by Quakeboy on Monday, March 12, 2007

Well, after reading this you are never gonna say you are bored with the internet. Internet is a mega infohost with zillions of fun !!! And whatelse do you need when you have this amazing thing called search engine to find information on the internet and now the search engine leader 'Google' has become so prominent that people refer to searching on the net as 'Googling' !!!

  1. You can never deny the fact that extreme stuffs in this world have been always fun, interesting etc. Examples are "Best jokes in the world wide jokes contest", "Most funny pics", "Most embarassing moments of life by famous persons", "Best comedy movies of the year", "Worst photos of peoples", "Most Irritating websites", "Worst sound effects", "Most Annoying Ringtones", "Best songs of the year 1990" and the list goes on.

    When you get songs, videos, etc just search again to download them and enjoy.
    All you need is to choose a topic, add the words 'Best', 'Worst', 'Most' etc and google it, and you are presented with interesting information for hours.

  2. Another thing you can do is to search unusual topics on the internet. Instead of always using only mails, jokes, funny pics, games, social networking(Orkut like sites) etc. try searching for something thats just too different.

    Examples can be "Learn magic tricks", "Easy Learn to draw cartoons series", "How to become a body builder in 30 days", "Latest hair styles in different countries", "Search for free stuff on the internet like CDS, Posters, Stickers etc.", "Horror stories", "Unexplained mysteries of the earth", "List of famous tech and business jargons", "Learn a new language" and help me add to the list...

  3. The most unlimited fun comes from latest video hosting sites like youtube. But getting really nice videos on youtube is also again a topic to discuss about. For ex. I found the series of videos from a foreign tv show called "Scare tactics" where they scare people in different ways and the videos were really really cool....

  4. If you really don't get anything cool, then the best place to start can be web or blog directories. Examples can be google directory, yahoo directory etc. coz the things are already categorized in a very nice way and you can pick from the topics of your interest.

If you have something else to add plz comment here....

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